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Posts tagged Alimony
What happens if I don’t pay my alimony?

If you owe alimony to your former spouse and fail to pay, you will still have to make that payment in the near future. If you fail to make the alimony payment on time, then you are considered to be in arrears and/or in contempt. This means you are behind on paying the amount of alimony owed. This balance will not automatically disappear. Instead, you will be obligated to make any missed and current payments until you are all caught up on payments.

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Alimony, Spousal and Child Support…Oh, My!

The end of a marriage is a difficult time for anyone, and the financial consequences of untangling two lives can make it even worse. Although each is unique, alimony, spousal support and child support are all similar in the sense that one spouse is making a payment for the benefit of someone else (the other spouse or the parties’ children).

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